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Ever Changing Service to Meet Ever Changing Needs 與時並進的服務

Created by UM-Gallery in 2009

Our Committment to Creativity 我們對創新的理念

在30多年的歲月裡,我們一直努力不懈地嘗試,揉合現代和傳統、東方和西方、藝術和科 技,我們不敢奢言成功、滿足於簡單的混合或笨拙的結合。我們的動畫和短片,表達我們對創意的追尋,努力運用在定制產品或現貨加工上,也展示低成本製作也能 出采。除了網頁和小册子,我們更開設了油管免費頻道,拍攝了一些介紹工藝技術的視頻短片,示範如何按步就班,掌握一些工藝技術和工具,嘗試自行進行家居維 修,模型製作,工藝創作等,亦加深對我們服務的了解,歡迎觀賞訂閱:

For more than three decades, we've been working hard to achieve the seamless fusion of old with new, east with west, and art with science. Neither a clumsy mixture nor a simple crossover can satisfy us. We've never thought that we 've really made it. Yet we've tried our best to approach it without regret. In our promotion trailers or products exhibited in the brochure, we not only show our committment to creative industry, but also demonstrate that a low cost production can be equally exquisite. We also create a Youtube Channel and share vidio clips illustrating various arts, crafts, technologies, and tools we employ in the provision of our services with those audience who are hobbyists or interested in DIY. You may subscribe our channel according to the "url" shown below

Ever New Look of Our Site 不斷更新面貌,網站離線瀏覽版

We keep updated our web site to make it looks more gorgeous with some new but well established technology compatible to most prevailing browsers like CSS and XML. For the best viewing effect, your browser should be java enabled and installed with plugins of quicktime, acrobat reader and flash player. The latest version is highly recommended for security reason. As what we always insist, you should have no problem in browsing our web page with computer of the minimum configuration in the current period. Our site have grown over time and now hold tens of GB data and images for your free reference or creation of artwork.
本網站網頁不斷更新, 新網頁會採用CSS 和 XML 等較先進技術,請加裝有關插件以便獲得最佳觀賞效果,一如既往,溜覽我們的網站,只需現時最基本的電腦設備。

- 19/6/2020


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